What is a GO Center?
by Sam Petty
GO Centers are the “go-to" place at high schools to help students explore pathways to careers and college, as a one-stop shop for college and career readiness (CCR) resources. Students are assisted by CCR Coaches and Mentors from higher education institutions and the community. GO Centers aspire to help students see pathways to careers and college, assisted by support from United Way of Tarrant County. They are physical spaces in schools and other locations, equipped with computers and overseen by school staff. The Go Centers are equipped with the necessary technology to assist with college and career goals.
Students visit the GO Centers and research career opportunities, college options, and financial aid, while assisted by mentors from higher education institutions and from the community. GO Center specialists and mentors facilitate the academic needs of high school students, striving to make the transition between high school and post-secondary options seamless.
College and Career Readiness (CCR) Coaches serve as lead advocates and case managers for students receiving intentional interventions that include curriculum-based small groups and one-on-one support based on identified needs. CCR Coaches are full-time, campus-based professionals who seem to cultivate a college and career bound culture across the entire campus. Activities in this area involve every student enrolled at one of the high-need cluster schools.
TCU College Advising Corps (CAC) focuses on college enrollment and completion among low-income, first-generation college, and underrepresented high school students by delivering personalized, knowledgeable guidance on college admission, financial aid, and enrollment. Each student at the high school is assigned a coach to assist them with tools to help their postsecondary plans become a reality. Advisers work to foster a college-going culture within the schools they serve, which is one of the best predictors of whether students will pursue higher education. Advisers become part of their school’s community. Equally important, advisers supplement, not replace, existing high school counseling staff, thereby reaching more students.
Both the CCR Coaches and TCU CAC Advisers help students:
- Facilitate access to career and college information
- Learn about and submit scholarship and financial aid applications, like FAFSA or TAFSA
- Explore different career paths based on their personality, skills, and knowledge through computer software, like Xello
- Advising students on postsecondary pathways and assisting students navigate the application process
- Cultivate an understanding of FWISD college and career options such as the Gold Seal Programs of Choice of Career Technology Education (CTE) Programs of Study