Our Mission.
Our Purpose.
The Tarrant To & Through (T3) Partnership aims to ensure more Tarrant County students obtain a postsecondary credential and that each student has the training and skills they need to thrive in today’s workforce.
We believe that each and every student should be given the resources and opportunities to achieve lifelong success.
The T3 team and partners are dedicated to providing resources, financial support and programmatic opportunities for students and families. When innovation and dedication work hand-in-hand, we believe systems change can affect entire communities, and ensure a positive impact for Tarrant County development for generations to come. Student success is our success.
39% of Tarrant County adults possess an associate degree or higher
However 65% of jobs in the modern economy require some sort of postsecondary certification
on Progress.
The T3 Partnership is a coalition of educators, leaders, and everyday advocates working with Tarrant County schools, postsecondary institutions, and community partners.
We are an organization focused on continuously learning and making data driven decisions to best serve students and families in our community. We are committed to measuring, collecting, and analyzing multiple data points and remaining agile to respond to what the data tells us.
To learn more, visit the program components page.

Working to Close the Gap.
The T3 Partnership is addressing four key gaps that hinder students from being prepared for, enrolling in, and finishing postsecondary pathways. Focused on combining national best practices with existing good work, we aim to implement a set of supports focused on closing these four main gaps for students and families.
Closing the
Information GapBroadening students’ horizons through experiential learning opportunities, clear next steps, and the information needed to make informed decisions.
Closing the
Expectations GapHelping students and families understand college and career pathways -- what is available and how to get there.
Closing the
Guidance GapEnsuring all students can make informed decisions about their education and career options by receiving one-on-one advising and persistence coaching.
Closing the
Financial Aid GapReducing or eliminating financial barriers through scholarships and emergency funding.
Working to
Close the gap
T3 is addressing 4 key gaps that hinder students from being prepared for, enrolling in, and finishing postsecondary pathways.

How to help your student create a future filled with opportunity
Why educators are important to the T3 mission
Student success is our success; how to get involved
Tips, tools and resources for college and career