Working in collaboration with the business community, the T3 Partnership is launching a T3 Connect Mentor program, matching students to viable career pathways.

Clear Pathways.
Bright Futures.
The Tarrant To & Through Partnership aims to ensure more Tarrant County Students have the training and skills they need to thrive in today's workforce.

What is the T3 Partnership?
T3 is a local partnership of school districts, colleges, universities, employers, and organizations, anchored by a dedicated backbone staff focused on serving students and families in Tarrant County. Launched in 2020, T3 provides a variety of programs designed to inform and engage students and families about college and career pathways. Learn more in this overview video.

Fort Worth ISD, Crowley ISD, Castleberry ISD, & Arlington ISD (Lamar Only) Students: What’s your next step?
By taking the T3 Pledge, our team will help you build a customized plan focused on life after high school. Eligible students will receive scholarship funding, mentorship, persistence coaching, and resources to T3 partner colleges/universities.
Learn More
Want to help a student meet their potential? Become a mentor.
Read our comprehensive Interim Report released in November of 2022.
Learn MoreStudents
What you need to know about the T3 Partnership
How to help your student create a future filled with opportunity
Why educators are important to the T3 mission
Student success is our success; how to get involved
Tools, tips and resources for college and career