Important Details
- Aside from FAFSA/TASFA, T3 does not require students to complete a separate Last Dollar Scholarship application*. Students are automatically considered upon taking the T3 Pledge and meeting T3 Scholar & Partner College Deadlines. (*Tarleton requires a separate scholarship application (due 2/15) to be considered for any Tarleton scholarships, including T3 Last Dollar).
- Last Dollar Scholarship eligibility, funding, & disbursement are determined & completed directly by the college/university you are attending, not by T3.
- Students may receive notification regarding their eligibility either through a mailed letter or via their institution's financial aid package – this will vary based on each partner institution. View the T3 "Where's My Award" doc to learn more.
- If your tuition is already covered by other financial aid, awesome! You will not need or see any applied T3 Last Dollar Scholarship dollars.
- Eligible students who are awarded the T3 Last Dollar scholarship may continue receiving funding for up 8 consecutive semesters or the completion of an undergraduate degree.
- Last Dollar scholarship funds can also be used to cover tuition costs for summer classes at TCC! Contact T3 the Spring before you plan to enroll to learn more.
Transfer Students & Last Dollar Scholarships
- Visit our Transfer webpage to learn more about Last Dollar scholarship opportunities for Transfer students.
Continued Eligibility
- If you receive the T3 Last Dollar Scholarship, below are the requirements you must complete to continue receiving Last Dollar funds every semester/year throughout college: